30 Desember 2011

Hello gorgeous!

Hai Gorgeous!

My name is Augustina Kresia Agasi, actually that is my full name, but my friends always call me CIA ...!

Well, this blog is under maintaining, so be patient. If my blog is already maintained, we can share everything and me too.. ^^

This blog is officially my personal blog. If you, guys, see my blog title, maybe you can come out with idea that this blog is about fashion or everything about fashion.. But, ya... it is.. But, actually it is not only that. This blog will tell you all about my self, my personal diaries, my D.I.Y stuffs, my idea, my sadness, everything that I want to tell you!

So, I hope you will enjoy every single writing that I post to you and If you don't like my writing or my blog, just fell free to exit from your tab and go to another sites... I think, I just share everything that must be positive to you guys..

Well, I think that's all~~

See you soon!

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