21 Januari 2012

#3 DIY - Middelton's Bead

Haiiii guyssss..

Finally, I made my third .D.I.Y which I call " Middelton's bead"
I got many inspirations from Princess Middelton. I really love the way she wears any fashion's stuffs, especcially the headband. She is so elegant and classic. Here, I have made the simple steps how I make the headband inspired by Princess Middelton's elegant and classic fashion.

18 Januari 2012

My Very First Passport.!

Hai guys..

Hari ini aku baru aja menyelesaikan pembuatan pasport pertamaku ( seumur hidupku, sampai umurku ke 19 ), hehehehe..

Ok, setelah aku  mengikuti proses demi proses dalam pembuatan pasport,aku dapat menyimpulkan kalau membuat pasport itu SUPER RIBET! Amsyonggg deh guaaa... @,@
Well, kenapa aku bisa bilang membuat pasport itu ribet? Ini dia pengalamanku selama membuat pasport :

13 Januari 2012

Body Butter Duo - My New Fav -

Hai guysss...

Today I just want to make a review of my favourite brand’s new product, that is Body Butter Duo from The Body Shop!

Well, I always like and use The Body Shop’s products, especially for the body and skin care products, Body Butter. The smell is really good and the lotion is very smooth and creamy, so its really easy to absorb into the skin..

11 Januari 2012

#2 DIY : Jeans Bando Red Ribbon

Hai Guysss!!

Nah, sekarang aku pengen mostingin cara membuat proyek DIY ku yang kedua dan yang terbaru,
“ Jeans Bando Red Ribbon “ ^^

8 Januari 2012

New Fragrance from Oriflame

Hai Guys...

Bulan Oktober 2011 yang lalu, ketika aku ngeliat promosi produk baru dari Oriflame, aku tertarik dengan wewangian terbaru dari Oriflame, MUSE. Terus, aku pesen deh parfumnya.

Pas aku nerima barangnya, yah masih didalam kotak, aku suka banget sama design kotaknya ( jadi sayang pengen dibuang , hihihihii... ) Selain itu, design botol parfumnya juga bagus banget, ada kelopak bunga berwarna ungu yang besar banget diatasnya. I think, the design of parfume is very fabolous! I love it. When I use it, I just feel like, glamorouz... ^^

4 Reasons Why Makeup is important for me.

Hi guysss...

Well, capek juga ya kalo harus terus make bahasa inggris untuk semua tulisanku, hahahaa..
Actually, I am an Indonesian, so gak mungkin kan aku terus mosting in English, while my reader, maybe most of them are Indonesian.. ^^

Oke, now I want to share you something...

I am a 19 years old girl, still young, isn’t? Nah, terkadang ketika seorang cewek udah memasuki umur segitu, dia udah mulai mikir macem2, terutama nih bagi yang belum terbiasa bahkan gak pernah kenal yang namanya sesuatu ini.. “ MAKE UP!”

Menurut hasil survey mendadakku kepada beberapa temanku dikampus ( maaf ya, ternyata kalian aku survey, wkwkwkwk ), 70 % dari mereka masih belum terlalu mengenal dan siap untuk memakai make up untuk kegiatan sehari-hari dan sisanya 30 % masih enggak berani bahkan enggak kenal tuh apa yang namanya MAKE UP.

Alright, in my opinion, that’s not a big big problem if you, girls don’t want to have a make up or still don’t know what make up is. But, aku pengen kasih kalian beberapa pencerahan yang bukan editan atau copas dari blog-blog lain, melainkan emang murni pendapat pribadiku..

Mulai memasuki usia segitu, menurutku kita sebagai cewek udah harus mulai memikirkan kematangan kita sebagai seorang pribadi yang utuh. Maksudku, in this case, we are a not a little girl anymore who is still forbidden to have a make up by our mom, but we are a little girl who start a new chapter of live to being a woman, who is able to put a make up as their essential look. Aku enggak judge every girls in this world, including my friends, that you guys, must have make up in every daily activities, no...! But, just think it.. Make Up is one of many ways to make a statement that “ I am not a little girl anymore..”

See how Dakota Fanning changes on her makeup?

5 Januari 2012

#1 DIY - Multipurpose Clutch -

Hai guys!

Today I made my first DIY tutorial on this blog. When I was walking in to my bedroom, I saw my old jeans skirt which was couldn't use anymore. Then, I had an idea to remake that skirt and made it become a clutch. I think, the clutch is useful, because it is big and I can put many stuffs, like handphones, lipgloss, pen, scissoris, etc!

Well, here it is! My DIY - Multipurpose Clutch -

Here are the steps! Wait, before do this DIY, I want to tell you something... Maybe, this DIY is not really easy to follow, because I make it from the basic ( from a real skirt! ), but don't worry.. I have made the tutorial as simple as I can, ok? so, lets start it!

4 Januari 2012

Happy Anniversary - First!

Hai guyss~

I am so sorry for this late posting.. Last year, 08th December 2011 was me and my boyfriend first anniversary.. Yes! We are so happy because we can make it! We can hold every single bad mood, angry feeling, and selfish manner of both of us. I am sure that, he is my best boyfriend I ever had! He can make me feel better, even in the worst situation in my life. Because of him, my life is full of surprises and lots of fun! He can be my bestfriend, my daddy, my brother, and of course, my loving darling.... He is my everything now.. I can't describe my future or my now life without him besides me... I Love You Soooo Muccchhh, my honey...

My Cousins have arrived!

Well, another freaky day and colorful "voice" in my home...

My cousins ( both of them ) and their family just have arrived to my home. They went to my house because they wanted to fly to Bandung tomorrow. I counted on them, 9 people plus me,my father,my mother,my brother,my grandfather, and grandmother, so all of us are 15 people gather together in a small house..

But, I feel that's not a problem for me, because I can meet my family who have already forgotten for a long time, maybe because I have a lot of works.. T.T As the result, now I must sleep with my parents in their bedroom, because my bedroom is used by them.. hukss.. I hope I can sleep in my own bedroom shortly..

Not only that, I also can feel my body gets pain! I just accompanied my mom to shopping for many stuffs! My mom bought my father's office stuffs, like scotch tape, books, bill papers, pens, etc. Then, she bought many shampoos, soaps, detergens, etc. And, she also bought many breads. All of them are for my dad. Why? because, my dad is going to come back to our second home ( which is also becomes our bussines location ), so my dad asks my mom to buy all necessary stuffs that he needs. I must accompanied her for about 3 hours nonstop! can you imagine, how tired I am??? But, It's ok, because I love shopping,too.. hahahaa..

3 Januari 2012

What a Freaky Day?

Hai guys....

Hmm, today I just made a very crazy activity with my old friend. Well, I just came home last 21th December last year, so me and my old friend had a plan to have some fun at mall. Then, my friend just gave me a crazy idea. How about watched our 2 favourites movies in one day? Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol and Sherlock Holmes 2! Well, those two are our favourites movies,indeed. So, I was thinking very hard then I decided to say yes to my friend.

But, actually, that was a great day! I could spend my time with my old friend who I didn't see for long time, maybe for about 11 months! Guess what? Even O couldn't have my lunch, because of the length time from one movie to another movie was only 30 minutes, so we couldn't have enough time to go to a restaurant and to have lunch there... But, even we experienced that, we didn't regret that, because we could have a very great watching experience! Thank you my dear friend of this "freaky day"...

And, oh yaaa~ I forgot to say Happy New Year to all of you! I'm so sorry because of the late greeting, because I have many things to do when New Years Eve and 2 other days~~ Hope you all have a very nice New Years Eve and Hope of all of your hopes can come true in 2012! God Bless you all!!